About CT

Oh right. You actually want to know something about me.

I have 2 wonderful kids and when they were younger my wife and I became interested in Steiner Waldorf education, to the point of getting involved in starting the Alder Bridge Steiner School in Reading, UK during the late 80s. It is thanks to this episode in my life that I have come to be interested in what is called “Goethean Science”. In writing this blog, I am hoping to develop my thoughts further on this subject, which so far I believe can be summed up as: “The World is a Conversation”.

I am now just 60, live in the UK, and have been programming computers since the early 70s, i.e. since microprocessors, as they were then called, were available. At work I am now what is called a “Software Architect”, which means that I am a bit long in the tooth, and am able to get a fairly large body of software working. [If you know the industry, my primary language is C++, but I know many others, all the way down to Assembler]

For as long as I can remember I have loved flying, particularly gliding. For me it is the epitomy of a wonderful marriage, or even conversation, between nature and high technology. I have always wanted to balance the natural and technological approaches and enjoy my flying so much that I have put together “The Glider Chronicles“.

This balancing act, combined with noticing the effects of 30 years of software development on my psyche, is another reason for putting this blog together. I believe there are many subtleties in the relationship between humans and computers and the hope is that I will better form my thoughts and insights.

With regard to doing good software development (indeed any good tech development), my basic idea is that you cannot develop it well without developing the human being doing the thinking.

Recently, possibly given that life has been throwing me a number of rather difficult challenges, I have been developing the more artistic side of my personality as you will see from the Boundary Stories posts. I have also started Watercolour painting and have found that I like creating poetry. As to whether my offerings are any good, I will leave that to you to decide.

I have inherited a love of dance from my father who was ballet trained and taught ballroom at Arthur Murray’s in Leicester Square in the 1950s. In 2010 Argentine Tango stole my heart and you will find me dancing least two days a week. I now teach at Tracies Latin Club in Southampton and I hope you enjoy the Tango Thoughts posts as I expand on the theme.

You can contact me at ct(at)acm(dot)org

Comments welcome. Let me know what you think...